Booking is live for The Boys’ Brigade NI District Mission 22
The Boys’ Brigade Northern Ireland District has launched its new Mission 22 booking and information website.
The Mission 22 event will run in Belfast, Antrim, Coleraine and Portadown for all Boys’ Brigade members on four consecutive Saturdays in February 2022 in partnership with Crown Jesus Ministries. There will be two events at each venue; one for Anchors and Juniors in the afternoon and one for Company Section and Seniors early evening.
Speaking about the Mission 22 event, Director Lisa Keys said:
“We want our Mission 22 experience to be available to all Companies. Whilst it would be ideal for every Company to attend one of our live events, we know that restrictions and geography may not make that feasible. So we are also offering a Virtual Event which, will include some of the elements of the live event, captured through video clips from the Belfast event, plus additional content developed for virtual delivery. It will not be a case of simply press play and relax! The virtual offering will be an interactive event that will maximise the experience for our children and young people. A Virtual Mission 22 Guide will be released to help Leaders create a fantastic Mission 22 event at their Company venue”.
‘One Big Message of Hope’ is the theme for Mission 22. Whether attending a live event or engaging online, all children and young people will hear the gospel message presented in a fun and engaging way. Follow up resources will be released the week after the event; all leaders will be encouraged to use this material.
Booking is now live for The Boys’ Brigade NI Mission 22

The Boys Brigade NI District Engagement Officer and Communications Lead Alison Irvine said:
‘We are very excited to launch our Mission 22 website. Please visit the new site at You can now book places for ‘Klass Kids’ and ‘1 Way Youth’, download promotional resources and join with us in praying for the event using the prayer points on the prayer page. We have ‘One Big Message of Hope’, to share with all our BB children and young people. We are inviting all our Leaders to book very soon and help us share that message of hope!’