Markethill Christian Fellowship offers free festive dinners to the lonely and needy
Once again, the kind members of Markethill Christian Fellowship in Armagh are offering to feed some of their area’s lonely and neediest people this Christmas time.
Pastor Aaron McDonald, who leads the fellowship, told The Church Page:
“We are giving out free Christmas dinners to anyone who is alone or maybe finding the festive season difficult this year. This is open to anyone within the Markethill or wider Armagh area. All meals will be delivered to your home on Christmas Eve”, he added.
You can reserve your Christmas dinner now by contacting Pastor Aaron
To reserve your meal, contact Pastor Aaron before 6th December 2021 on 07749 563284

This wonderful community outreach fits perfectly with the ethos of Markethill Christian Fellowship, which is: ‘Serving together to share our tears, reach the lonely, walk with the needy, support the hurting, preach Christ and Him crucified.’
Discover more about Markethill Christian Fellowship by logging on to their Facebook page.