Annual Report from Christians Against Poverty (CAP) in Ballymena
Christians Against Poverty (CAP) in Ballymena have published their Annual Report.
The Centre Manager, John Maxwell writes:
“Over the past nine years, Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Ballymena Debt Centre has helped 186 clients and are currently working with ten client families and individuals.
“There have also been three clients who have gone debt free this year which is a real blessing for those clients and encouragement for us.
Unfortunately, we have also had three clients whose cases have had to be closed due to them not supplying paperwork.
Some clients have mental Health or addiction problems which makes it difficult for them to work with CAP.
Please pray that both past and present clients would find “the peace that passes all understanding” through faith in Jesus Christ our Lord.
“We are also grateful for the support of St. Patrick’s Parish Church in Broughshane for their generous donation of £500 which we used towards Christmas Hampers for clients.
In addition, we received a laptop from a Church member which was donated to a family with three children and one adult all trying to study from home during lockdown.
Another member donated a bed and a vacuum cleaner to a family who really needed those items at that time.
“As well as that we have been able to support clients with everything from electricity top ups to kitchen appliances due to support from Bradford head office, ACTS 435, and also our own Church CAP Account.

“Thanks to all who have supported us through prayer, financially and all the befrienders without whom we could not see clients face to face.
We also did some food shopping and were able to get vouchers from the Foodbank for needy clients.
“During the past year CAP was selected as one of the charities supported by Mid and East Antrim Mayor, Peter Johnston.
The three CAP Debt centres in the area Carrickfergus, Larne and Ballymena all benefited from a higher profile and some much-appreciated funding totalling £1295 for each centre.
We are most grateful to Peter for his interest and support during his year of office.”
If you need help from Christians Against Poverty, telephone the CAP freephone helpline number: 0800 328 0006 or look up their website –