Transferor Representatives’ Council Thanks Schools for Continued Commitment
The Transferor Representatives’ Council (TRC) – representing the Church of Ireland, the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, and the Methodist Church in Ireland in educational matters in Northern Ireland – has again expressed its thanks and deep appreciation to school principals, staff and governors for their commitment to management, teaching and learning, pastoral oversight, and financial control in these unprecedented times.
Speaking on behalf of the TRC, its Chairperson, Miss Rosemary Rainey OBE, said: “Schools have experienced enormous pressures since the pandemic began. We, as a society, owe a great debt to principals, teachers, support staff and school governors who have had increased workloads, and had to change methodology, including adapting to remote and blended learning and teaching, prior to the re-opening of schools to all pupils, a return to face-to-face classroom experience and children spending time together again with peers.
“The TRC recognises and applauds the tremendous contribution of school governors, who work tirelessly on a purely voluntary basis in the interests of schools, children and young people. They deal with – alongside other commitments – finance, staffing issues, appointments, complaints, inspections, and school policies, and attend functions in schools on a regular basis. During the pandemic, more responsibility fell to chairpersons who dealt almost daily with their respective principals to ensure that schools continued to deliver teaching and pupils continued to learn. Their service to schools and to our society is vastly undervalued. The TRC commends them and all school governors who faced particular challenges but continued to serve the local community faithfully and well.
“Governors’ tenure has now been extended for a further additional year so it is both fitting and appropriate that we pay tribute to their service at this time. Schools cannot operate without governors yet their sterling service often seems to go unnoticed and unappreciated by society in general. The TRC gratefully acknowledges the variety and wealth of skills, knowledge, and experience that governors bring to schools. Principals value their support and guidance, often relying on them to be critical friends.
“The TRC thanks all school governors for their service and assures them of the prayerful support of the three Churches, their respective Boards of Education, and their membership as a whole.”

You can find out more about the work of the Transferor Representatives Council on their website.