Team McCaw express thankfulness for God’s goodness in Mayo Street, Belfast
Paul, Lorraine, Cameron and Caleb McCaw are continuing to serve at the Belfast City Mission Hall in the Mayo Street area of Belfast.
In this letter, they take time to express thanks to God for all that He has done for them.
They write: ‘Praise God that we are slowly coming out of lockdown! We are THANKFUL that things are opening up for us all to enjoy. However, have we got the peace that God wants us to have and are we THANKFUL for how God has brought us through this pandemic. Personally, I know I could not have got through this time without God by my side. I still need to remind myself not to worry or be anxious because God is with me and will give me His peace, I just need to ask!
We are THANKFUL for God’s amazing provision for Mayo Street Hall at this time. We have been blessed with the provision of ‘Covid Recovery’ grants from Belfast City Council which has enabled us to do various activities, and make plans for more in the summer months, which otherwise we could not do. We are also very THANKFUL to the ‘G Stuart Trust’ who gave us a very generous donation to help refurbish the hall. Over the last few months we have been painting, with help from our friends Ian and David from Union Road Presbyterian Church, Magherafelt and we have purchased new carpets. We are also very THANKFUL to our good friend Alistair, for sourcing and installing a new Power Point system for us.
As mentioned above, we are very THANKFUL that we have been given funds so we can enjoy some outdoor activities with our Mayo Street kids, over the summer months. We have not been able to have any children’s work in the hall since March 2020, so we are really looking forward to our planned events. We posted invitations out to 106 children last week, so we hope that a good number will attend the various activities. We especially hope families will attend the Family Service planned for the end of August. See attachment for more details.
As a family we are very THANKFUL for your continued prayerful and financial support. God’s provision for us is amazing and we are so blessed to be able to go on a family holiday in the summer! (DV)

Praise Points
THANKFUL to God for His amazing provision for Mayo Street!
THANKFUL for our Prayer Meeting and Sunday Service being back on.
THANKFUL for Paul’s Dad being in better health.
Prayer Points
Pray for Billy & Gina who are struggling with alcohol addiction!
Pray for good attendance and safety at our planned summer events!
Pray that people will realise the need to attend the Sunday Service.
For more information on what’s happening at the Belfast City Mission’s Mayo Street Hall, visit their Facebook page.