Introducing the New Chair of the Bible Society in NI – Tommy Stewart
Tommy Stewart has been appointed as the Chair of the Bible Society in Northern Ireland.
Tommy lives in Ballymena, is married to Roberta and has three sons. After 15 year in public, private and voluntary sector management, during which time he was also ordained as a lay minister, Tommy set up a consultancy company in 2002 providing strategic development support to community focused organisations. Following on from completing a Masters in Missional Leadership, since 2016 he has been focused full time on encouraging, equipping and empowering Christian leaders, churches and missional organisations fulfil the mission God has given them. In addition to chairing Bible Society, he also helps guide the work of several other ministries, here and overseas.

Talking to The Church Page, Tommy said:
“It is my honour to have been asked by my fellow trustees to become the Chair of Bible Society Northern Ireland. For those unfamiliar with Bible Society, it is a long establish ministry that partners with churches, groups and individuals to help people engage with and have access to God’s Word in a format that is right for them, both here in Northern Ireland and around the world through the ministry of 150 national Bible Societies that work in over 200 countries, making the Bible known, valued and loved.
“Given that I only joined the Board of Bible Society in 2018, I still feel like a relative newcomer but my passion, for as long as I can remember, has been to help people engage with the truth of God’s Word. In the coming months and years, I look forward to Bible Society Northern Ireland continuing to support the work of Bible Societies around the world and to Bible Society partnering with others to promote bible engagement in Northern Ireland. I also look forward to working alongside Catherine Little, the General Secretary, in engaging with churches of all denominations, furthering collaboration with the National Bible Society of Ireland and to the participation of Bible Society NI in the work of United Bible Societies globally.”
Tommy is looking forward to meeting church leaders and Bible Society supporters, post lockdown, and very much values prayers for wisdom for himself, his fellow trustees and the staff team as they seek to advance the work of the Lord through the Bible Society.
You can find out more about Bible Society Northern Ireland at and can follow them on Facebook here.