Team McCaw send their March 2021 news from Mayo Street BCM Hall
Paul, Lorraine, Cameron and Caleb McCaw are continuing to serve the Lord at the Belfast City Mission Hall on Mayo Street, Belfast.
The following ‘prayer letter’ contains all their latest news.
They write: “I have no doubt that this is the prayer of all our hearts these days! Last March everything stopped for us, so we all want to have ‘the good old days’ back. We are full of hope that we are on the road out of lockdown, but we are just not there yet, so continue to be patient and wait on God’s timing for everything.
“We praise God for His continued provision for us as a family in these days! We are so humbled by the generosity of God’s people upon us over the past Christmas period, and beyond, and this clearly shows us that in following God’s will for our lives, He is providing for our every need, even in these uncertain days!
“We also praise God for His amazing provision for BCM, as a whole. The very different Christmas Appeal was extremely well supported, and we thank everyone who contributed. We were able to supply needy families with food and toys, to help them have a better Christmas, which was a blessing for us, just to see how much they appreciated everything. Our Carols by Candlelight Service was not as well attended this year, but due to Covid restrictions this was understandable.
“We have been unable to meet on a Sunday evening since Christmas, so God willing this will recommence on Easter Sunday, 4th April 2021, which we really look forward to.

“Since last March we have kept in contact with all the kids associated with the hall, via a parents Whatsapp group. This is over 80 kids, so as not to lose touch, every so often we have given them wee treat packs, so Easter packs are underway!
Over the next months, as restrictions allow, we also have received a ‘Covid Recovery’ grant which will allow us to do some nice things for those in the Mayo Street area.
“As some of you may know, last month Paul’s Dad (Robert) was very ill and diagnosed with end of life dementia. He has pulled through, but is only able to eat a little and sleeps a lot, so we would ask you to continue to pray for him.
Praise Points
Praise God for the man who Paul led to the Lord!
Praise and thanks to God for His amazing provision through kind people who continue to support us financially!
Praise God for the Christmas Appeal which is still helping families!
Praise God for continued good health at this time!
Prayer Points
Pray for Paul’s Dad!
Pray lockdown restrictions will soon be lifted!
Pray that the kids will come for their Easter packs and parents will read the Easter tracts to them!
You can find out more about what’s happening at the Belfast City Mission Mayo Street Hall on their Facebook page here.