Hope and a Future charity asks for donations of books
The Hope and a Future Charity Shop continues to be one of the most recognisable in Randalstown. They are on the look-out for quality Christian books that are in good condition to be left in at the charity’s main shop, located at 5 – 7 New Street in the town. Please mark your donations for Kevin’s attention.
Kevin said: “I know that lots of people will have received books for Christmas and we are not asking for people to give away their cherished gifts. However, someone may have enjoyed a book over the holidays and be happy to let others enjoy it too. If that is the case, we would be happy have it in our shop.”
Hope and a Future has been helping people in the town of Shashemene in one of the poorest regions in Ethiopia for over a decade. Its central aim is to fulfil the words of Jeremiah 29, verse 11 through the provision of education.
If you would like to financially support the charity you can do so by contacting Kevin on 07544496000 or Christine on 07761541676. Find out more about their work by emailing: k.keenan@btinternet.com