‘Truth in Science’ produces DVD – The Transgender Agenda
Truth in Science has produced a DVD called The Transgender Agenda, containing interviews with several professional experts challenging contemporary thinking on transgenderism.
The DVD is 28 minutes long and features interviews with a range of scientific and professional experts about transgenderism. Amongst the experts interviewed are: Professor David Galloway, Former President, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow; Dr Peter Saunders, CEO of the International Christian Medical and Dental Association; Dr Carys Moseley; and NHS Paediatrician Dr Julie Maxwell.
The DVD has been sent to every school in the country so that headteachers, governors, and safeguarding personnel can review the content. It has also been sent to every MP in parliament to inform them of the dangers and unscientific nature of transgenderism.
A trailer of the DVD is available to view on YouTube – link below.
The producers and some of the experts will be participating in a live discussion about the DVD and its content on YouTube on Wednesday 11th November 2020 at this link.
Professor Andy McIntosh, Director of Truth in Science, said:
“This important and informative documentary looks at what it means to be male or female. It argues that biological sex is not something we can change, but is determined at conception, even before we have a body. Our hormones system is shown to have a role of maintaining male as male, and female as female. Our genes, our hormones, our biochemistry and physiology, all signify maleness and femaleness. Transgenderism suggests we can be a woman trapped in a male body or vice versa, but this is not supported by evidence-based science.
“This DVD allows otherwise silenced professionals, to speak out and voice their deep concern that medical intervention designed to fake a change of biological sex is wrong and harmful. Doctors, surgeons, paediatricians and professional scientists, all state that we should be offering some form of cognitive therapy, rather than radical surgery that does not solve the issue, but in fact can lead to deep regret and a high rate of suicide.
“The aim of this DVD is not only to inform head teachers and governors, but also to make Parliament aware of these issues and take action to withstand this practice. Children are not to be experimented upon, but to be protected and nurtured. As adults we all have a responsibility to see that children entrusted to our care, develop into healthy and well-rounded adults with an opportunity of a full and healthy life.”
Copies of the DVD can be obtained from the Truth in Science website here.