McCaws at Mayo Street BCM – Autumn 2020 Prayer Letter
Paul, Lorraine, Cameron and Caleb McCaw have been working hard during the pandemic to serve God at the Belfast City Mission Hall at Mayo Street.
Their Autumn 2020 Prayer Letter gives us the chance to catch up on their latest adventures. They write:
‘In these days of Covid 19, the RAINBOW has become a symbol of hope for brighter days ahead. “God keeps His promises” (Deuteronomy 7 v 9).
We praise God that for ‘Summer Kids Club’ we were able to post an online version. On the Friday before, we handed out over 50 ‘Follow the Leader’ packs to our Mayo Street kids, which included worksheets, craft and goodies for the week. On the last day, we asked the kids to bring back the craft, so that we could display it in the hall. 22 returned their craft and got a gift for doing so.
We also praise God that our Sunday Services and Thursday night Prayer Meeting are back in the hall, with all social distancing guidelines being adhered to, of course! Unfortunately, this is the only work we can do in the hall, at the minute, due to the ongoing pandemic.
However, we have not been idle! We have been able to start a Christianity Explored Course every Wednesday afternoon with the 3 folks who got saved during lockdown. Every Monday evening in September, at Woodvale Park MUGA pitch, we are running an outdoor event, with Ambassadors Football, for our P3 – P7 kids. The first night went really well with 13 kids attending. Gods’ word is always shared, so please pray that more would come along and Gods’ seed would be sown in their young lives.
We also plan to deliver Afternoon Tea to the elderly, Back to School Packs to our Year 8 pupils and provide families who have personally been affected by Covid, a Treat Day! This is all thanks to a Belfast City Council Covid Recovery Grant, which we greatly appreciate at this time!
Our Harvest Service is on Sunday 27th September at 6.00pm. Our guest speaker will be George Conn from the Faith Mission. If you haven’t made it to Mayo Street yet, why not come along and join us on this occasion. A warm welcome awaits you all at Mayo Street Hall.
Finally, thank you for your continued prayers and support for us, as a family! Summer was not as we planned, but we still had a few stay-cations which were very enjoyable.

Praise Points
Praise God for His provision in these days!
Praise God for the 3 new Christians who are so hungry to learn more of Gods’ love.
Praise God for keeping us and our families well in these days!
Prayer Points
Please pray for patience to wait on Gods’ time for our children’s work to get back up and running.
Please pray for our Covid Recovery Programme that through these small gestures, people may see God’s Love.
Please pray for those who have been personally affected by Covid 19 pandemic.
Pray for safety, good attendance, and sufficient funds.’
For more information on what’s happening at the Belfast City Mission’s Mayo Street Hall, visit their Facebook page here.