1st Connor Boys’ Brigade launches 75th anniversary book
1st Connor Boys’ Brigade, from outside Ballymena, are marking the 75th anniversary of their formation with the launch of a special book. The “75th Anniversary Souvenir” details the history of the Company from 1945 up to the present day, with a vast collection of colour photographs from down through the years.

The book was originally planned to be launched at the company’s annual display in March, but this event had to be cancelled due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
The book was compiled by one of the company’s officers, Andrew Swann, who said, “I decided to put this book together as a permanent record of the history of our BB Company from 1945 to 2020. It testifies to the incredible work that has been done in the Company over the last 75 years for hundreds of boys and young men in Kells and Connor. The finished product is the culmination of a year’s worth of work. I am indebted to the many people who provided photographs and shared their BB memories to be included in the book.”

Copies of the book are now available at a cost of £11. Send an email to info@1stconnorbb.com or send a message to the 1st Connor Boys’ Brigade Facebook page to arrange to collect a copy.