‘Team McCaw’ send Summer Prayer Letter – June 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has altered the way we ‘do’ Church and Mission work. However, Paul, Lorraine, Cameron and Caleb McCaw are continuing to know God’s blessing on their work at the Belfast City Mission Hall on Mayo Street, even in these testing times.
They have sent us the following update on their endeavours.
“These are strange times for us all and we trust you are all keeping safe and well. We are at home in LOCKDOWN at the minute, and nothing seems possible right now!!! How will we ever get back to our work with all these restrictions in place??? It all seems impossible to us, but with God in control, we need to always remember, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH HIM!
April and May would have been our busy months with end of year trips and events, but unfortunately, due to Covid 19, everything ended very abruptly on Sunday 15th March 2020. Nothing ended as we would have liked, but the health of everyone is more important!

During ‘lockdown’ however, we have not been idle! We have been working away at home, keeping in contact with the parents of ALL our kids from Kids Club, Sunday School and Mums And Young Ones, via Whatsapp and keeping in contact with the ‘old faithful’s’ via a phone call every week. We also have been putting wee messages, clips, songs, etc up on Facebook as a form of outreach which we trust has been both a blessing and a challenge.
We praise God that through social media one lady got in contact and was lead to the Lord and also, a young man who had been ill and really afraid due to the Coronavirus, gave his life to the Lord. Also, just before ‘lockdown’ one young lady came to faith and a few weeks later we got a message to say her sister also got saved! This was a family who have been much in our prayers and we are so delighted for them. We praise God that even though the world is in ‘lockdown’ He is still saving lives!
We have been able to help a few families out with a little ‘Gift of Kindness.’ This was made possible through a Power NI donation. We posted out Tesco gift cards to 8 families who have one or both parents furloughed at this time or have a health issue. Those who received the gifts greatly appreciated them.
At this time of year, we are usually planning for Summer Kids Club! We had our team all set to help again this year, but it looks very unlikely that this will be able to happen due to all the restrictions in place. However, we do plan to mark this week in some way, so please pray that we would know how best to share God’s love to the kids of the area at this time!
As a family we praise and thank you for your continued prayerful support. ‘Lockdown’ is not easy at times, but your prayers will keep us going! Thank you also to those who support us financially. God’s provision for us is amazing and we are so humbled by His blessings!”
Praise Points
Praise God for those lives who have been saved!
Praise God for good health at this time!
Praise God for His constant provision!
Prayer Points
Pray how we can mark Summer Kids Club week this year!
Pray for new ideas for things starting back, whenever that comes around.
Pray that we may get a holiday with our family in the summer!
For more information on what’s happening at the Belfast City Mission’s Mayo Street Hall, visit their website here or find them on Facebook here.