Busy St Patrick’s Day at Belfast Cathedral
Tuesday 17th March 2020
St Patrick’s Day at Belfast Cathedral will be a busy one with activities planned for most of the day on Tuesday 17th March 2020.
Choral Eucharist will begin at 9am to mark the Feast Day of the Patron Saint of Ireland.
A spokesperson for Belfast Cathedral told The Church Page:
“The service reflects with giving thanks for the life of Patrick and his place as one of the pioneer evangelists who spread Christianity to the people of Ireland.
The service includes music based upon Patrick’s own writings, and those attributed to him, as well as having extracts of his writings read out.
Following the service there will be breakfast in the Cathedral Hall. This is a public service and we welcome all of Belfast to come join us!”

Patrick’s Mysterious Adventure from 11am – 4pm
Following the Eucharist, a day of family fun can be enjoyed as everyone heads off on Patrick’s Mysterious Adventure from 11am – 4pm.
Getting excited about this, the Cathedral spokesperson continued: “Come and discover the adventurous life story of St. Patrick, from his kidnap by Irish pirates to his return to serve the people of Ireland that he loved so well.
This FREE family friendly event includes timed performances of our interactive story trail with life actors, craft workshops for kids, Irish dancing performances, a café and much more. All are welcome!”
For more information about Belfast Cathedral, log on to their website here.