Joshua Nixon – accepted for OMF Mission Placements in Japan
Joshua Nixon has recently been accepted to go to Japan for Mission Placements through OMF. He will travel there on 16th September 2019 and begin his placement on 20th. In the meantime Joshua is going to be busy with some fundraisers to support his placements and to be able to make a donation to the Tohoko church in Japan while he is there.
Firstly, on Saturday 17th August he is holding a fundraising Coffee Morning in Midtown Makers Shop and Studio on Church Street, Ballymena. It will run from 11am – 2pm and everyone is invited to pop in if you’re in the area that day.

Secondly, Joshua is planning a fairly tough sponsored challenge for himself! Over 13 days he is intending to walk the entire length of the island of Ireland. He begins at Malin Head, Co. Donegal on Monday 26th August and will finish at Mizen Head, Co. Cork on Saturday 7th September. That will be a total distance walked of approx 355 miles (571km) Joshua says, “Each day I will be walking approximately 30 miles. I’ll be taking just one day off, Sunday 1st September, so I can attend church.”
As you can tell from taking on such an arduous challenge, Joshua is really passionate about the Japanese people and is keen to help and encourage them as much as possible when he’s there. He says, “Japan is a country where less than 1% of the population would identify as Christian, meaning that even optimistically speaking, 99 in every 100 people are heading for a Christless eternity, and this breaks my heart. I believe very strongly that God has put the desire in my heart to support the Church in Japan, to spread the gospel and do what I can to help encourage and practically assist our brothers and sisters in Japan.”
Joshua would really appreciate your support by making donations to either of these two fundraisers. You can donate online here. Joshua would also appreciate your prayers as he makes preparation for and goes on his OMF Mission Placements in Japan.
You can keep up-to-date with Joshua’s fundraising events and news of his mission trip on his Facebook page here. More details of the fundraising Coffee Morning are on Midtown Makers, Ballymena website here.