Coffee Morning and Cake Sale for Life-Line Ministries Ireland
Saturday 17th August 2019
Audrey Johnston, trustee and full-time volunteer with Life-Line Ministries Ireland, is planning to hold a fundraising Coffee Morning and Cake Sale on Saturday 17th August 2019 from 10:00am – 12noon.
The venue will be Unite Café at Coaching4Christ, 16 The Diamond, Ahoghill, Ballymena.
Life-line Ministries is a Christian ministry serving the people of Kenya
Founded by Ballymena native, Wesley Kerr, Life-line Ministries is a Christian ministry serving the people of Kenya through evangelism, church planting, sponsorship and education.

All proceeds raised from the Coffee Morning and Cake Sale will be used during Audrey’s three-week mission trip to Kenya which she is undertaking on behalf of the organisation.
Explaining more, Audrey told The Church Page: “I’ll be setting off on Sunday 1st September 2019 and returning on Tuesday 24th September 2019.
“I’ll be teaching the Word in church seminars and fellowships and preaching the gospel in secondary schools as well as praying for the sick and needy”, she added.
A fundraising barbeque is also planned at New Heart Ministries, Ballyclare
In addition to the Cake Sale and Coffee Morning, Audrey will also host a barbecue at New Heart Ministries, 240 Rashee Road Ballyclare on Saturday 24th August at 7:30pm.
The aim of both fundraisers is to enable as much practical help as possible for the poor and needy whom Audrey will meet during her ministry. Everyone is welcome to support this work in Kenya.
Audrey went on say; “Obviously the more money I raise the more people I can show God’s love to in practical ways.”
To find out more about the work of Life-Line Ministries Ireland, log on to their Facebook page here.