Mission Possible Challenge Walk 2019
A sponsored walk to help support their projects in Bogota, Colombia
The Mission Possible Challenge Walk 2019 is due to start on 15th June. For Mission Possible chairman Joe Law and his wife Sadie, this is the second challenge walk they will undertake to raise much-needed funds for the mission’s projects in Bogota, Colombia. The previous sponsored walk in 2015 was a huge success and with your support they would like to repeat that with this year’s efforts.

Joe and Sadie say, “Your sponsorship will help Mission Possible fund the day to day running costs of our two residential homes (one for boys and one for girls). It is also needed to provide a daily meal for children in the Juan Rey district of downtown Bogota who attend our Culture Centre and where they are also shown and taught much about God’s love, grace and mercy.
All sponsorship raised will be given direct to the projects with nothing deducted for administration or expenses.”
Mission Possible supports the children with both material assistance and the hope of the Gospel
Mission Possible was formed in 2006 and since then has been very actively involved in supporting Street Children in Bogota. Hope House 1 for boys and Hope House 2 for girls have been safe havens for many of these children over the years. The Culture Centre is providing daily food for hundreds of children in the slums of the Juan Rey district. Collectively, these projects see to their material needs but they also provide the children with the message of hope through the Gospel, with many deciding to follow Jesus as their Saviour. Of course these projects need money to function properly and that’s exactly what the Challenge Walk is all about.

Mission Possible Challenge Walk 2019
So if you’re around the North Coast for a few days from 15th June, look out for Joe and Sadie in their Mission Possible T-shirts. They would be glad of an encouraging word and a donation. You can also donate to this great mission work in the neediest of communities in Bogota by using their online facility at Give.Net here. For those who would prefer to send a cheque, you can do that by sending it to Mission Possible, PO Box 1063, Ballymena BT42 9DS.
Joe and Sadie would value your prayers that God would keep them safe and in good health as, with your support, they raise valuable funds for the projects being undertaken in Colombia by Mission Possible.