PCI Mission in Ireland evenings – March 2019
During a three week period in March, the Presbyterian Church in Ireland (PCI) will be showcasing its mission work at home on the island of Ireland through its annual Mission in Ireland Evenings.
Organised by PCI’s Council for Mission in Ireland, the information evenings are also an opportunity to discover more about the work of the Church through the Council and hear first-hand from home mission ministers, Irish mission workers, deaconesses, and other mission personnel serving across the island.
The Mission in Ireland evenings will take place in the following churches:
• Sandys Street Presbyterian Church, Newry – 5th March 2019 @ 8pm
• Clogherney Presbyterian Church, Beragh, near Omagh – 10th March, 2019 @ 7:30pm
• Ballykeel Presbyterian Church, Ballymena -13th March 2019 @ 7:30pm
• Downpatrick Presbyterian Church – 17th March 2019 @ 7pm
• St Columba’s Presbyterian Church, Lisburn – 17th March 2019 @ 7pm
• Armoy Presbyterian Church – 17th March 2019 @ 7:30pm
• Molesworth Presbyterian Church, Cookstown – 20th March 2019 @ 8pm
• First Limavady Presbyterian Church – 24th March 2019 @ 7pm
Taking place each spring, the special events will provide an opportunity for people to come together in different congregations, worship with friends and people from other local Presbyterian churches and hear from PCI’s Mission in Ireland personnel who will highlight their work in the areas where God has placed them.

Looking forward to the evenings, Council for Mission in Ireland Secretary, Rev David Bruce, said that the Church has a specific purpose and an active role to play in 21st Century Ireland and is doing an incredible amount of work in the name of Jesus, reaching out and serving the community.
He hoped people would put the date in their diary and those attending would get a snapshot of that diverse work and that they would be encouraged.
“They say that ‘home is where the heart is’. It could also be said that ‘mission starts at home’. So often we automatically think of mission as something that takes place overseas, and yes it does, and it’s a vital part of the gospel outreach of this Church, but it is equally rooted at home in Ireland, where we are actively involved in seeing God’s kingdom grow,” he explained.
Everyone is invited to any of the PCI Mission in Ireland evenings being held throughout the province.
Rev Bruce went on to say, “The Council for Mission in Ireland provides support and strategic direction for the Church, in relation to our 74 Home and Urban Mission congregations, which are churches that are supported directly by PCI through the Council. It also has an important role in considering new church development, church planting, the oversight of a number of special projects and numerous areas of chaplaincy, which those attending will be able to hear about from those directly involved. Everyone is warmly invited and all are welcome.”
Find out more about PCI mission work on their website here.