‘Journey’ – A ground-breaking resource from Connor Youth
‘Journey’ – a new resource developed by the young people from the Church of Ireland Diocese of Connor. It has been written entirely by the young people for young people.
The young authors of ‘Journey’, Connor Youth Forum’s new resource, spoke of their own journey at its launch in Lisburn Cathedral on November 23rd 2018. A large number of guests including youth leaders, young people, members of the Connor Diocesan Team and clergy from around the diocese were present.

‘Journey’ has been written entirely by young people for young people. At the event, the book’s authors spoke about how the project had come about from its inception to the publication and launch of the impressive 48-page book.
One of the 13 young authors told guests: “Tonight I feel really proud of myself. This is a great achievement.” Another commented: “I can’t believe how far we have come in eight months.”
The thirteen young authors came together from parishes across the diocese as Connor Youth Forum to develop a discipleship resource which they envisage being used by small groups of young people.
The title ‘Journey’ conveys that young people can use it to explore faith together as they grow in their discipleship.
Diocesan Youth Officer Christina Baillie facilitated the group as they undertook this exciting initiative.
Speaking in advance of the launch, Christina said: “I have loved seeing the ambition of the young people involved to do something which we believe has never been done before, creating a small group discipleship resource entirely written by young people.
Seeing our young people write from the perspective of what would benefit other young people like them has been hugely beneficial. They have grappled with themes which have been important in their own discipleship and we are so excited to share it with young people across the diocese and beyond.”
‘Journey’ has been written in six chapters, and will be easy for young people to connect with.
The resource is written in six chapters which can be followed by groups of young people. The authors hope it will be easy to understand as it is written in a way that young people will connect well with.
Each chapter includes Bible passages, suggested songs, teaching, prayer points and a story from one of the young people. Initially the resource will be available for free across Connor Diocese, with the aim of making it available for wider distribution across the UK. The resource has been funded by the Church Of Ireland Orphans’ And Children Society.

At the launch, the young people outlined how they put the resource together and how they imagine it being used across the diocese. In a Q&A session, representatives of youth groups spoke about how they would benefit from the resource.
The young people and guests at the launch were welcomed by the Dean of Connor and rector of Lisburn Cathedral, the Very Rev Sam Wright, and everyone enjoyed a time of worship as well as refreshments including a specially baked Journey cake.
The authors of ‘Journey’, the new youth discipleship resource are:
Lucy Duckworth, St Paul’s, Lisburn; Sophie Miskimmin, St Michael’s, Belfast; Sarah Adams, St Peter’s, Belfast; Ryan McGucken, Lisburn Cathedral; Alex Murphy, St Paul’s, Lisburn; Giselle Coulter, St Stephen’s and St Luke’s; Lauren Adams, St Peter’s, Belfast; Rachael Martin, Lisburn Cathedral; Matthew Cairns, Lisburn Cathedral; Sophie McLean, St Patrick’s, Ballymena; Louise Andrews, St Patrick’s, Ballymena; Catherine Forde, Church of the Resurrection / The Hub, Belfast; Ciaran Campton, Church of the Resurrection / The Hub, Belfast.
For further information on ‘Journey’, please contact Christina Baillie on christinabaillie@connordiocese.org or call 07753 312405.
Keep up-to-date with news and events at the Diocese of Connor on their Facebook page here.