Presbyterian Moderator’s East Africa Appeal
The Presbyterian Moderator’s East Africa Appeal has been launched recently in light of the current crisis in the region. The church-wide special appeal is to support the international relief effort in East Africa following the worst drought to hit the region in over half a century. PCI will be releasing an initial £60,000 (€69,100) to its aid partners in the region.
Millions of people are at risk of food shortages and possible starvation. The Moderator, Rt. Rev. Dr. Frank Sellar has written to all ministers and congregations across Ireland, to launch this special appeal for the East Africa Crisis.
Dr. Sellar reported some of the facts from the region. “Parts of South Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia have all suffered two seasons of prolonged dry spells and crop failures. This has left a shocking 16 million people at risk! Famine was declared in parts of South Sudan in February, making it the first official famine in any part of the world in the past six years.
Given the scale of this disaster, and following consultation with colleagues, I am launching a special Moderator’s Appeal today towards the emergency relief effort. I would take the opportunity to encourage our members to respond in a generous and timely way, just as they have on many previous occasions.”

The Church is immediately releasing £60,000 (€69,100) to be distributed to PCI’s partners. They are Christian Aid, Tearfund and the Presbyterian Church of South Sudan’s Relief and Development Agency (PRDA). All are already engaged in longer term sustainable development work in the affected regions. Also meaning they are now well-placed to direct additional efforts to the unfolding crisis.
Despite this challenging situation, these agencies and the PRDA will ensure that contributions are used wisely in the provision of immediate relief of those struggling the most in East Africa.
The Presbyterian Moderator’s East Africa Appeal has been launched recently. If you would like to donate to it, click here to go to the relevant PCI web page.
Dr. Sellar concluded by saying, “In Nepal last year I had the privilege of seeing first-hand the very real and practical results of our giving following the 2015 earthquake and our subsequent appeal. I would encourage you to continue to pray and to give generously to this new urgent request, so that we may play our part in saving lives and restoring hope to the many caught up in this catastrophic situation.”